Tips for house training new dachshund puppy
You bring home your wonderful, cuddly new puppy and oh, no he isn’t house trained. Fear not, with patience and time you can accomplish house training in a relatively short period of time.
Steps to training puppy to eliminate outside:
Be attentive to conditions and activities that house training your new dachshund puppy to eliminate-these include eating, drinking, waking from a nap and playing. After you see these activities, give the puppy a command such as “out” as you accompany him outside. The puppy will learn the signal with time and let you know when he needs to go out.
Now your puppy needs to learn where you want him to go potty. In the training period, you will need to go with him each time. You select the place you want him to go and he will soon recognize the specific odor from the last times. Praise him as he exhibits elimination behavior such as sniffing and give a command such as “potty”. After he goes potty, give him praise and perhaps a treat. Before long, your puppy will know what is expected of him. In training a puppy, you will need to take him out every hour or two, then as he matures the time can be extended.
Your puppy will probably eliminate within an hour after eating. Knowing this, you will want to avoid a large meal at a time of confinement. Offer food several times per day at the same time and leave it with them no longer than 30 minutes. This will give you an opportunity to observe their eliminating schedule and take them “out” to potty. You will want to avoid a meal right at bedtime. Always take your puppy out to potty just before bedtime confinement.
Housetraining a puppy is a work in progress which requires patience and a commitment on your part. Very few puppies have been housetrained without “mistakes” – you can expect a few- no scolding them. Simply say no, then take them “out” to potty. You will soon have your puppy housetrained and can enjoy your newest family member.